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Absence of Corners

Posted on Aug.17, 2015, under Rock 50

A message for all those nice people who attended the Sunday show at Fathom Gallery in LA.   I know I met quite a few of you, but I am saddened and have to say I’m sorry I didn’t meet all of you.  Normally, I like to shake hands with everyone who attends.  On Sunday, this handshake and hugs ritual didn’t fully transpire, and I regret that.  I hope all of you had a good time, and I appreciate that you came to visit the art pieces and participate in the emotions that flowed between us.  For those of you I didn’t say goodbye to, I’ll say it now – goodbye my friends, I wish you happiness and positive energy in your lives.  Stay safe and strong.  To my longtime friends who I also didn’t get to meet, I love you.  And to all, perhaps we’ll meet again.  Be good to yourselves.

Rock forever,
Bill Ward

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A Message From Bill on Upcoming Art Show

Posted on Aug.11, 2015, under Drum Art

THIS SATURDAY & SUNDAY! Join Bill in Los Angeles as he shows his art debut collection and discusses the work at FATHOM Gallery. Get details and RSVP at

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Four New Art Pieces

Posted on Aug.05, 2015, under Drum Art

Just announced – Bill Ward will unveil 4 NEW ART PIECES, in addition to his entire Absence of Corners art collection at the FATHOM Gallery exhibit in L.A.  Join Bill at the event on August 15th and 16th – RSVP at to attend.

billward signing

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July Rock 50 Preview

Posted on Jul.24, 2015, under Rock 50

H! Everyone,

Our radio show airs this Saturday, July 25. Lots of Metal. The show will rock.  Our drum segue features a brilliant drummer from a great band – Stewart Copeland with The Police.  We’ll take a listen to his unique approach to rock drumming.  If you like Hard Rock, Rock, Metal or just plain good music, check out our show.

Stay very safe,

Bill Ward

You can listen with links that are on the Rock 50 page.

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West Coast Debut of Legendary Rocker Bill Ward’s Visual Art Exhibition

Posted on Jul.08, 2015, under Drum Art

For those of you on the West Coast who couldn’t make it to Baltimore last year to see Bill’s East Coast showing of his “Absence of Corners” collection, you’re in luck!  We have details of his only West Coast appearance in August below.


West Coast Debut of Legendary Rocker Bill Ward’s Visual Art Exhibition
Los Angeles, July 7, 2015

On August 15th, FATHOM is pleased to host the West Coast premiere of heavy metal statesman Bill Ward’s fine art exhibition: Absence of Corners, a collection of 15 abstract works created from Mr. Ward’s drum performance.

Over a year in the making, Absence of Corners is the result of a complex multi-disciplined approach to creating art that combines high-end digital technology with the oldest known musical instrument. The resulting images capture Mr. Ward’s experimental spirit and translate onto canvas powerful abstract expressions of his music.

Mr. Ward on the Project: “When I’m working on new ideas, musically much of what’s played is guided by a visual appearance or shape. Since my early childhood, I’ve played drums in visuals as well as sound. When I write, there’s always an image, sometimes a color attached to what’s being created… I am delighted with the captured expressions — from my head and my heart. Their arrival onto canvas is beautiful.”

“From the gallery perspective what excites us about this art is the sense of story.” adds Francis Coiro, FATHOM founder, “Even though art critics don’t talk about it much, great art is about a great story. And honestly, Bill Ward is a great storyteller. If you have the chance to meet Bill and see the work and hear him talk about it, you can feel that linkage between his music, his life and his art. It’s extraordinary.”

The exhibition opens on August 15th with two artist discussions by Mr. Ward in which he details the concepts underlining the artwork and relates personal stories of how each piece is connected to his private or professional life. The first lecture starts at 2PM and the second at 5PM. The lectures are free to the public, however attendance to each lecture is available on a first-come basis and pre-registration is required. The Absence of Corners Exhibition is a special limited engagement and only hangs at FATHOM through August 29th.

About Mr. Ward:
As the drummer of one of the most influential heavy metal bands in history, Ward was an integral force in the creation of the heavy metal genre. With his pioneering, orchestrational style of drumming, as well as his highly acclaimed solo recordings, Ward is greatly respected among insiders for his intuitive style of play and innovative songwriting. Ward recently released his first solo album in 18 years, titled “Accountable Beasts,” and is currently finishing up another album slated for release later this year.

About The Collection
The Absence of Corners Collection is part of the Rhythm on Canvas project from SceneFour, the Los Angeles based creative collaborative responsible for developing this new art movement that for the first time manifests music performance into visual art.

Located in downtown Los Angeles, FATHOM exhibits art and photography that uses popular culture as a touchstone in its creation. The gallery is located inside the California Market Center at 110 East 9th Street, Suite CL002, Los Angeles, CA 90079 |

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Never Say Die: Bill Ward Interviewed

Posted on Jul.07, 2015, under Bill Ward

Today a new interview with Bill Ward by Julian Marszalek of “The Quietus” is out where Bill talks about many things Black Sabbath, from the early days, bands before Black Sabbath, the 2011 press conference, and his being removed from old press photos of the band.  Make sure and read it today!


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Uncut Accountable Beasts Interview

Posted on Jun.26, 2015, under Bill Ward

The full uncut track by track interview by Mike Stark with Bill about Accountable Beasts is now available:

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Bill Ward “Accountable Beast” Interview on

Posted on Jun.23, 2015, under Bill Ward

On Thursday, June 25 at 2 PM (pacific time) Bill sits down with our friend Mike Stark for a track-by-track discussion of Accountable Beasts on KBeach Radio – LARadio Sessions. Listen at  Can’t wait?   Here’s a preview:

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June Rock 50 Preview

Posted on Jun.12, 2015, under Rock 50

H! Everybody,

Our radio show airs on Saturday, June 13, 2015. We’ll be making a dedication for BB King.  With his passing in May, we lost a giant in the Blues.  In our drum segue, we’ll be featuring Mike Bordin, a great drummer with Faith No More, and further a drummer with Ozzy.  If you like Rock/Metal, check us out.  If you like opera, we might play that too.

Stay extra safe,

Bill Ward

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Accountable Beasts CD’s available

Posted on May.11, 2015, under Bill Ward

CDs Finally came in. Orders yours at


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