A couple of interviews
Posted on May.11, 2015, under Bill Ward
1) Check out the awesome SHOCKWAVES/HARDRADIO interview with Bill here:
2) A Classic Rock Revisited Interview – “Bill Ward – An Accountable Beast Indeed!”
May Rock 50 Preview
Posted on Apr.27, 2015, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
Our radio show airs on Saturday, May 2, 2015. It’ s my birthday show, which means I’m playing all my favorite metal bands. That means Slipknot, Type O Negative, anything with Gene Hoglan; playing Philm featuring Dave Lombardo. The show will be jammed with good stuff, and because it’s my birthday on May 5th, for the first time, the drum segue will feature me playing drums. Live Sabbath, and some my favorite Sabbath. It’ll be cool.
If you like Metal, Hard Rock, or just good music, period, I hope you can check us out.
Stay safe and extra strong.
Accountable Beasts Released!
Posted on Apr.26, 2015, under Bill Ward
H! Everyone,
Bill Ward here. The news is breaking pretty much everywhere. That our (BWB) new album Accountable Beasts has arrived onto ITunes. We realize the release may have surprised some of you. We’ll adjust and respond to all inquiries. The digital download came out quietly last night. We hope you’ll enjoy it.
Beyond the Beasts
Posted on Apr.23, 2015, under Bill Ward
Today an excellent new interview with Bill Ward was published today by noted independent music writer and author Joel Gausten. In this interview, Joel talks to Bill about what is going on now with his various solo projects (Accountable Beasts, unannounced second band), not to mention his own health.
You can read the full interview at Joel’s website, but here are a few samples for you to read now.
“My [current] activity levels are very high; they have to be,” offers Ward, who says that he’s now drumming four to six hours a day. “Because I did have something of a busted-up wing, if you like, I’ve really worked hard on that. But I’m playing at full capacity. By May of last year, I was definitely in shape to be able to play for sustaining amounts of time.”
Ward’s time behind the kit these days is divided between his long-running Bill Ward Band (BWB) and a second, yet-to-be announced project (currently a trio) with guitarist Joe Amodea (who is the six-stringer featured in the much-discussed Instagram video made public last week). BWB is the group behind the soon-to-be-released Accountable Beasts, Ward’s first solo album in 18 years. In addition to longtime BWB members Keith Lynch (guitar, keyboards), Paul Ill (bass) and Ronnie Ciago (drums), the album will feature contributions by drummer Walter Earl and an array of session singers including Ward’s daughter, Emily. Ward’s drumming will be heard on seven of the album’s nine tracks.
Having Fun Jamming Today…
Posted on Apr.17, 2015, under Bill Ward
Check out some videos from the jamming today. You can check out all the vids over at Bill’s Instagram channel.
Bill Addresses Ozzy’s Facebook Response
Posted on Apr.17, 2015, under Bill Ward, Black Sabbath
- You never wanted to discuss in a public forum. BUT, you did by making all these public comments during your interviews for the 13 album and tour. I was only responding in kind. Don’t forget why I spoke out. If you had talked to me and shared your opinions privately, we wouldn’t be here today.
- I was ready and in shape to record. I knew I would need to get in better shape for the gigs –same as I have needed to do and have done in the past. I was beginning my workout regime to get “tour ready.” I knew what I needed to do to play the gigs, and I was confident I would be ready. I would not commit to an extensive tour without believing I could go all the way with it. I wouldn’t do that to our fans.
- Shoulder Surgery. This was not a surgery that was an immediate necessity, or an emergency, or something that was prohibitive in terms of playing drums in Sabbath. It wasn’t anything like that. I would have elected to do the surgery after we finished touring, but since that didn’t come to pass, I scheduled it for the fall of 2013. My other surgery, yes was unexpected, but who among us knows what curve balls might be coming our way. Having had to recently cancel your own gigs, I think you could understand that and not hold someone to “what ifs”.
- The “unsignable” contract isn’t a smokescreen – it’s the truth. I have been honest with our fans on where I stand. Your opinions of me are completely immaterial – they have nothing to do with my reason for not participating – the “unsignable” contract – that’s it. I wonder if I had signed it if any of this would have come up? I imagine we would have made an album and done a tour with the original line up in place.
Hey Oz,
It’s not going to work.
I can see you,
And, I read your statement.
Boy oh boy.
Well, I know I didn’t expect you to respond to my request of an apology. By the way, it’s pretty easy to go back and really look at what was truth and what was not.
I notice you’re including Tony and Geezer in being in full agreement, that with my health condition I couldn’t have played a two hour set with a drum solo. First time I’ve ever heard about a two hour show with a drum solo. But I’m asking you, not them. Why did you stay in the studio working with me? Why did we go to England for band rehearsals in August 2011? Why did we continue rehearsing in the Fall? Why did we make the announcement of 11/11/11? Why did you call me in late January 2012 asking me to come over to England to continue rehearsals? Why, if you thought I was so unhealthy, did you continue with me at all? You know why, Oz, because I was fine. I was playing. I was good to go.
I ran into no, zero, health problems until October 22nd 2013. Oz, I could have played my ass off in 2012, all the way through to October 22nd 2013. The shoulder operation was optional. It was quiet and I needed a wear and tear adjustment. I was fine. I could have gone without surgery. But listen to you, hitting back and hard, too.
I don’t believe a word of it. I am not an enemy. Eternity will show and serve as proof.
None of it, Oz.
I’m not going to own a fucking thing, other than I came into the studio initially overweight to tour, but not overweight to record. I was good to record. All of you know how much I put in, especially when I prepare to tour.
Your own anticipatory fear has got you by the balls. What fucking smokescreen, about an unsignable contract.
Yes, let’s get honest. I did.
It came out in my statement Wednesday, April 15, 2015.
I’m not playing (your quote). I never did. I don’t fuck with sincerity and honesty, period. I’ve done nothing but bring my truth to the fans. Man, you spin it real well. Sorry I can’t love you back, Oz. I put my love for you somewhere safe inside my heart in 2012 when your stories started showing up. It’s hard to love someone who thinks he’s telling the truth by making false claims, elitist comments and just plain rude statements.
It’ll show up, Oz, in your dreams, in your daily days. I’m clean and have nothing to feel doubtful about. All my actions have been of loyalty, honesty, and open-mindedness.
Stay safe old friend.
Sad we couldn’t roll it out for the fans one more time.
I read your speculation, and your what ifs, your doubts. I’m about as far away from being a victim as I am from Hell itself.
Bill Interview with Rolling Stone
Posted on Apr.17, 2015, under Bill Ward, Black Sabbath
Following up on yesterday’s statement, there is a new interview with Bill on the Rolling Stone website. In this interview Bill answers a lot of questions about various issues regarding Black Sabbath, and clarifies in more detail some of the remarks from the statement. You can read the full interview over at the Rolling Stone website.
Statement on Black Sabbath
Posted on Apr.15, 2015, under Bill Ward, Black Sabbath
Dear Friends,
I hope you’re well and in good spirits. I have not made any public statements regarding my relationship with Black Sabbath since February 2012. Today, I want to address that relationship in this formal statement. Thank you.
I have neither severed nor discontinued my relationship with Black Sabbath, however, since 2012, the often inaccurate statements about me as a person and as a musician have caused me to be guarded and be especially detached emotionally and spiritually from Ozzy. His rhetoric above all has brought me the most discord. The continuing misguided information about me has established a necessity on my part to confront these issues. And now, with the imminent release of a new Bill Ward Band album, and the flurry of rumors about new Sabbath projects, I feel it appropriate to speak in a truthful and an un-cynical way.
There is always speculation about a true, original Sabbath lineup for the next tour or record. With a sad heart, I have to say I will not participate in any musical undertakings until a righting of the wrongs spoken against me has been achieved. I must admit, I have little to no expectations of this happening, but in the order of first things first, I’m looking for an honest accountability of all of Ozzy’s statements that I felt were untrue. I would want Ozzy to amend his opinions and exaggerations. I would want him to be forthcoming about his unrealistic viewpoints. And because I was chastised publicly, I would want him to amend publicly in his words, and not through an Ozzy representative, the nature of the wrongs. I would not want to continue on with him without this seemingly impassible dilemma being addressed. I don’t think previously strong relationships can remain strong after dispute by just sweeping the offensive stuff under the carpet, or by saying a puny sorry, or “oh, that’s all over now.” It doesn’t work like that for me. Righting of wrong works, and that’s what I want if I’m ever going to be his friend again.
Still undone and faraway is a “signable” contract. I would require a “signable” contract before moving one step toward a pathway that could lead to us all playing together again. I want a contract I can approve. That’s my truth. That’s my stand. I’ve listened to nothing but insults and false remarks, and if as a band or as individuals they wish to continue along the same lines, then any notion of an original Black Sabbath lineup will continue to fade away.
Put simply, it’s up to them. I have dearly missed playing with them and as people, I have been heartbroken over the loss of who I thought we were. And now you know where I stand.
Very soon my band, BWB will release a new album ironically called “Accountable Beasts.” I re- kick-started it in May 2012, and in an off and on journey to record, we have reached our final destination – a good mix, and a well mastered record. At this time we are putting the final touches on the digital booklet.
There are other multiple projects in different stages of progress, and I hope to bring more definitive news about them as things unfold this year. I have been very happy writing new songs, playing drums and working with other musicians. I have been blessed with musical visions and the ability to harness them. I’m moving into the future with an optimistic outlook.
For our many Sabbath fans, I love you all dearly. You are extremely special people. You fucking rock. I have been in deep regret since January 2012 that a true union was denied. I’ve remained faithful to you and honest with myself. Had I not been honest throughout I would have perished long ago. My hand is within yours, and I am encouraged to know you better. Stay safe and stay strong.
Now it is time to meet the circumstances of my statement and attend to what else is ongoing and before me.
Bill Ward
March Rock 50 Highlight
Posted on Mar.15, 2015, under Rock 50
Check out this highlight from yesterdays’ Rock 50 show which features blues drummer Hughie Flint.
Rock 50 March Preview
Posted on Mar.12, 2015, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
Our radio show airs this Saturday, March 14, 2014.
It’s Metal all the way, with the exception of the drum segue which will feature Hughie Flint of Blues Breakers fame. We’ll be playing “nearly” all the now historically famous John Mayall and The Blues Breakers album. Hughie Flint was one of the drummers that influenced my playing when I was in my late teens. It’ll be a treat to listen to this fantastic British Blues band of the 1960’s.
Check us out if you get a moment. We’ll be kicking ass with some of the best Metal in the world.
Stay safe. Stay Strong.