October Rock 50 Preview
Posted on Oct.17, 2014, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
October 18th is our HALLOWEEN show on Rock 50. The greatest Metal bands on earth, surprises, with a tasteful acknowledgement for HALLOWEEN. Featured drummer is Lars Ulrich, “Enter Sandman.”
Check us out. It’ll be a great show.
Stay safe. Stay strong.
You can listen here: http://rock50.billward.com
Sep Rock 50 Playlist Now Online
Posted on Sep.23, 2014, under Rock 50
The September Rock 50 Playlist is now online. You can view the playlist at this page, and listen to a full episode replay at this link.
This episode featured Bill’s 9/11 tribute, as well as a look back at the drummer Gene Hoglan, and the usual slice of kick ass metal such as In Flames, The Haunted, Dew Scented, At the Gates, Strapping Young Lad, and many many more.
You can also view a videoclip of Bill on the show below.
September Rock 50 Preview
Posted on Sep.18, 2014, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
Our Rock 50 show airs on Saturday, September 20.
We’ll be remembering the tragic assault on the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001, as well as the loss of Flight 93 and the attack on the Pentagon. We’ll play some songs for those who lost loved ones and remember those still suffering.
Also, we’ve got some great Metal for you – classic, current and brand new stuff. Our drum segue is going to be killer – we’re featuring Gene Hoglan “The Atomic Clock.” For you, the student who may not have heard Gene play, check this show out. As for Hoglan fans and all lovers of Metal, you know the show will kick ass.
Check us out.
Stay Safe. Stay Strong.
Commenting Temporarily Turned Off
Posted on Aug.22, 2014, under About the site
A technical note. We’ve been under a major spam attack recently. While the spam tools are preventing it from being seen well enough, that hasn’t stopped them from trying. In the last week alone, we were hit with about 60,000 spam post attempts.
To help combat this, we’ve temporarily turned off all commenting on the site, hoping that when they realize they can’t spam here anymore, they’ll go away. Commenting will get turned back on after a time, but if you wish to get a comment to Bill, you can do so from this page.
August Rock 50 Preview
Posted on Aug.15, 2014, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
Our radio show Rock 50 airs on Saturday, August 16th. Metal start to finish. Phil Anselmo and the Illegals, Arch Enemy and new releases.
The drum segue will feature Brann Dailor of Mastodon. We’ll focus on Brann’s work from parts of the “Crack the Skye” CD as well as the band’s newest CD “Once More ‘Round The Sun.”
If you like hard rock and heavy metal, Rock 50 plays you the very best – check us out!
Stay safe. Stay strong.
July Rock 50 Preview
Posted on Jul.09, 2014, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
Our Rock 50 Hard Rock metal show will air this Saturday, July 12, 2014. The entire show will be dedicated to a beloved man, Mark “Gopher” Jones, who was part of our production team for about 28 years. Mark is dearly loved and sadly missed. One of the many things he took care of for me was researching any info I needed for this show. He also typed up the playlists with the track sequence, track times and any details I wanted to touch on during the show. He was an integral part of Rock 50 since we started some 12 years ago or so. Gopher was laid to rest on July 6, 2014.
On our show this month – Metal wall to wall – keeping in mind the many bands on tour in July and wishing them all safe passages to their destinations. For all those going out to concerts, I hope it will be a fantastic experience for you. Stay safe. Rule #1: come back alive.
Keith Moon is the featured drummer this month, and he’s going to kick ass on some of the best Who songs ever.
Check us out if you like Hard Rock & Metal.
Saturday May 31 Radio Show Update
Posted on May.29, 2014, under Rock 50
We’ve got too much music to fit everything in! The May 31st birthday show is so jam-packed, we’ve decided to move the Keith Moon segment to July 12th so we have plenty of time to showcase Moon’s brilliant drumming properly. Still on deck for this Saturday’s show – Ginger Baker in the drummer’s spot, and loads of Bill’s favorite tracks. Tune in and turn it up!
Annapolis Visit
Posted on May.28, 2014, under Bill Ward
Hi everyone, it’s Bill Ward checking in.
I wanted to say a great big thank you again to all the wonderful people who attended our two day Gallery Art Exhibit In Annapolis on May 9 and 10, 2014.
I miss you all very much already. Thank you for the love that came between us, thank you for your open minds and hearts, thank you for your generous compliments in the support of my art, and your experiences, for hardships sustained.
I can see a lot of your faces as I’m writing this brief note. You’re all incredibly special people. I was touched deeply by the many intimate moments we shared.
Thank you for all the presents, CD’s, cake, health food, pictures, and more that you gave me.
Back at home I found a poem I wrote in 2012? 2013? that I wanted to share with you as a further embrace, and a gesture of my memory of you.
Stay safe, lots of love to you all. Here’s the poem.
May Rock 50 Preview
Posted on May.27, 2014, under Rock 50
Because it’s my birthday month, as we usually do, I’ll be playing some of my favorite, favorites in metal and rock. The show will kick ass for two hours from top to bottom.
For our drum segment this month, two brilliant 60’s drummers, legends in hard rock, Ginger Baker and Keith Moon. These guys set new criterias in rock and influenced so much of what “is,” today. Again, because it’s my birthday show, y’know your going to hear Type O Negative, Slipknot,Slayer, Motorhead, Fear Factory, and more from some new CD’s from the artists I’ve been playing over the past couple of months.
It’s gonna rock. I might put in some favorite classical music also, and that’ll rock also. OK, if you like metal/hard rock check out the show.
Special Notice: Because of life’s busy schedules, we won’t be making a June 2014 show, however we’ll be back on July 12 for our yearly summer tour/best of metal music show.
Stay safe and stay strong.
Bill Ward
Saturday May 31 Radio Show Update:
We’ve got too much music to fit everything in! The May 31st birthday show is so jam-packed, we’ve decided to move the Keith Moon segment to July 12th so we have plenty of time to showcase Moon’s brilliant drumming properly. Still on deck for this Saturday’s show – Ginger Baker in the drummer’s spot, and loads of Bill’s favorite tracks. Tune in and turn it up!
More Gallery Photos
Posted on May.12, 2014, under Drum Art
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Annapolis Collection Gallery this weekend. Here are some more photos from the event.
The (vegan) birthday cake came from the Annapolis Gallery.
- Bill’s Vegan Birthday Cake