A Fantastic First Day
Posted on May.10, 2014, under Drum Art
A fantastic first day – Bill Ward is exhibiting and discussing his art debut collection “Absence of Corners” this weekend at The Annapolis Collection Gallery in Annapolis, Maryland. Thank you to all of the great people who attended the exhibit on Day 1. To attend day 2 (May 10), you can RSVP to katherine@
Absence of Corners in 24 hrs!
Posted on May.08, 2014, under Drum Art
IN 24 HOURS, Bill Ward arrives at the Annapolis Collection Gallery. This will be an exciting weekend; we look forward to seeing you there! Get details at www.annapoliscollection.com and RSVP with katherine@annapoliscollection.
Absence of Corners in 4 Days!
Posted on May.05, 2014, under Drum Art
In 4 DAYS…Meet Bill Ward at his art reception in Annapolis, Maryland. May 9th & 10th, he’ll be showing and discussing his artwork at the Annapolis Collection Gallery. RSVP to katherine@annapoliscollection.
As we lead up to the main event on May 9th, we’ll be showcasing select pieces from the collection. Here’s “Fire and Brimstone”
Here Bill speak about “Fire and Brimstone” – http://billwarddrumart.com/
8 Days and Counting!
Posted on May.01, 2014, under Drum Art
8 DAYS AND COUNTING…Bill Ward will be appearing at Annapolis Collection Gallery on May 9 and 10th to greet guests and discuss his “Absence of Corners” art exhibit. A free event, RSVP to katherine@annapoliscollection.
As we lead up to the main event on May 9th, we’ll be showcasing select pieces from the collection. Here’s “Hello, I Don’t Think We’ve Met (Yet)”
Listen to Bill speak about “Hello, I Don’t Think We Met (Yet)” – http://billwarddrumart.com/
11 Days till Absence of Corners Event!
Posted on Apr.28, 2014, under Drum Art
11 DAYS AWAY – Join Bill Ward at the gallery reception for his art debut “Absence of Corners” on May 9 & 10th. A free event, Bill will greet guests and discuss his work inside the Annapolis Collection Gallery in Annapolis, MD. RSVP to katherine@annapoliscollection.
As we lead up to the main event on May 9th, we’ll be showcasing select pieces from the collection. Here’s “Solidarity”
Listen to Bill talk about “Solidarity” – http://billwarddrumart.com/
Have your RSVP’d for Absence of Corners?
Posted on Apr.25, 2014, under Drum Art
RSVP’d yet? Just 2 weeks away from Bill Ward’s art reception, May 9 & 10th at Annapolis Collection Gallery in historic Annapolis, Maryland. RSVP to katherine@annapoliscollection.
As we lead up to the main event on May 9th, we’ll be showcasing select pieces from the collection. Here’s “Making Flowers From My Heart”
Hear Bill speak about “Making Flowers For My Heart” – http://billwarddrumart.com/
Rock 50 April Playlist & Replay
Posted on Apr.25, 2014, under Rock 50
If you missed the Rock 50 episode earlier this month, make sure and check out a full episode replay, which is now available for you to listen to here. Additionally, the playlist for the episode is up too. The next episode is scheduled for May 31st.
You can also view a video of Bill speaking in the studio about Johnny Kelly of Type O Negative here:
16 Days Away – Absence of Corners Event!
Posted on Apr.23, 2014, under Drum Art
16 DAYS AWAY – Spend May 9 & 10th with Bill Ward in Annapolis, Maryland. He’ll be showing and discussing his art debut “Absence of Corners” at this free event that is open to the public at Annapolis Collection Gallery. RSVP to attend with katherine@annapoliscollection.com and purchase the collection early to attend the VIP evening event on Saturday at http://shop.annapoliscollection.com/
As we lead up to the main event on May 9th, we’ll be showcasing select pieces from the collection. Here’s “We Focus. We Persevere.”
Hear Bill speak about We Focus – http://billwarddrumart.com/canvas2.html
Celebrate “Absence of Corners” with Bill in Annapolis, MD
Posted on Apr.21, 2014, under Drum Art
Bill will hold his first art reception at The Annapolis Collection Gallery on May 9 & 10th. You’re invited to join Bill as he celebrates the release of his first art collection, “Absence of Corners.” The event will be held at the Annapolis Gallery Collection located at 55 West Street on Gallery Row in Annapolis, MD.
The event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP here (katherine@annapoliscollec
As we lead up to the main event on May 9th, we’ll be showcasing select pieces from the collection. Here’s “High on a Memory”:
Interview with DCHeavyMetal.com
Posted on Apr.20, 2014, under Bill Ward, Black Sabbath, Drum Art, Rock 50
There is an excellent new interview with Bill by Chris over at DCHeavyMetal.com. It is a wide ranging new interview, touching on many subjects such as new music from Bill (Accountable Beasts), the Absence of Corners project, the 13 album and Black Sabbath, other metal drummers, and the Rock 50 show. Amongst others. Check out the full interview here where you can both read a text version, and listen to an audio version.