Rock 50 March Preview
Posted on Mar.22, 2012, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
On Saturday, March 24th we’ll be airing our Metal/Hard Rock show. There’s lots of new stuff this month. In the second hour of the show, I’ll be playing some Rock and Blues — in my opinion, some of the most influential artists that without knowing, paved the way to Hard Rock and Metal. Kind of a family tree show!!!
Check us out.
Stay safe. Stay strong.
Clive Burr
Posted on Mar.16, 2012, under Bill Ward
My wife and I respectfully send our condolences to the family and friends of Clive Burr. Thank you, Clive for all you’ve brought to rock’s history. My wife Jackie particularly liked Clive’s drumming and was a huge fan.
In deepest sympathy,
Bill & Jackie Ward
This was originally written on March 16, 2013 @ 11:02 PST
Alvin Lee
Posted on Mar.06, 2012, under Bill Ward
Thank you, Alvin for all that you were. For all that you gave. You were one of a kind. Your music rocked with passion, force, excitement; brave in risk, bringing this listener to the point of “wowism”. In short, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Our condolences go to Alvin’s family. Heartfelt sympathy at this time of loss.
– Bill Ward and family
NOTE: This was originally posted on March 6, 2013 @ 15:26 PST.
Feb 2012 Rock 50 Preview
Posted on Feb.22, 2012, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
This month’s radio show will air on Saturday, February 25. It’ll be Metal wall to wall, except in February at Rock 50, we always pay homage to Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens. It’s been 53 years since their plane crashed on the night after the gig at the Surf Balllroom in Clearlake, Iowa. Never forgotten, these rock-n-roll heroes live on.
It’ll be a good show, with some early, groundbreaking Sabbath cuts thrown into the mix of it all.
Stay safe. Stay sane.
–Bill Ward
A Message From Bill
Posted on Feb.17, 2012, under Bill Ward, Black Sabbath
Dear Sabbath Fans,
I wanted to let you know where things are at, from my point of view, as of today, February 17, 2012.
As my statement of February 2, 2012 indicated, I have not declined to participate in the Sabbath album and tour. At the earliest opportunity, I am prepared to go to the U.K. and record, and later tour with the band.
Last week, we sent further communication to the attorney handling the negotiations to try to reach an agreement. At this time we are waiting to hear back. I remain hopeful for a “signable” contract and a positive outcome.
I want to thank everyone who has voiced and posted their opinions, thoughts, support and love through all media, including the newly constructed sites. I applaud your worldwide reaction in support of the original band. And speaking for myself, your intent and truth will always be respected.
While believing in your freedom for expression, keep in mind that Tony, Ozzy and Geezer are still my lifetime friends, and I cannot support comments with an objectifying or derogatory theme toward them or their various representatives.
Many thanks to all of you. You are truly phenomenal.
Stay safe, stay strong.
–Bill Ward
A Thank You From Bill
Posted on Feb.04, 2012, under Bill Ward, Black Sabbath
Dear Sabbath Fans,
This is Bill. I just wanted to humbly thank you all. Your support from across the world has given me further strength and hope for a positive resolve. I have been moved and overwhelmed by the thousands of messages. I love you all.
Rock forever,
Statement on Black Sabbath Album & Tour
Posted on Feb.02, 2012, under Bill Ward, Black Sabbath
Los Angeles, CA – February 2, 2012
Dear Sabbath Fans, Fellow Musicians and Interested Parties,
At this time, I would love nothing more than to be able to proceed with the Black Sabbath album and tour. However, I am unable to continue unless a “signable” contract is drawn up; a contract that reflects some dignity and respect toward me as an original member of the band. Last year, I worked diligently in good faith with Tony, Ozzy and Geezer. And on 11/11/11, again in good faith, I participated in the L.A. press conference. Several days ago, after nearly a year of trying to negotiate, another “unsignable” contract was handed to me.
Let me say that although this has put me in some kind of holding pattern, I am packed and ready to leave the U.S. for England. More importantly, I definitely want to play on the album, and I definitely want to tour with Black Sabbath.
Since the news of Tony’s illness, and the understanding that the band would move production to the U.K., I’ve spent everyday getting to or living in a place of readiness to leave. That involves something of a task, and as I’ve tried to find out what’s going on with the U.K. sessions, I’ve realized that I’ve been getting “the cold shoulder” (and, I might add, not for the first time). Feeling somewhat ostracized, my guess is as of today, I will know nothing of what’shappening unless I sign “the unsignable contract.”
The place I’m in feels lousy and lonely because as much as I want to play and participate, I also have to stand for something and not sign on. If I sign as-is, I stand to lose my rights, dignity and respectability as a rock musician. I believe in freedom and freedom of speech. I grew up in a hard rock/metal band. We stood for something then, and we played from the heart with honesty and sincerity. I am in the spirit of integrity, far from the corporate malady, I am real and honest, fair and compassionate.
If I’m replaced, I have to face you, the beloved Sabbath fans. I hope you will not hold me responsible for the failure of an original Black Sabbath lineup as promoted. Without fault finding, I want to assure everyone that my loyalty to Sabbath is intact.
So here I am. I lay my truth down before you. I’m good to go IF I get a “signable” contract. I don’t want to let anyone down, especially Black Sabbath and all the Sabbath fans. You know I love you. It would be a sad day in Rock if this current situation fell to the desires of a few.
My position is not greed-driven. I’m not holding out for a “big piece” of the action (money) like some kind of blackmail deal. I’d like something that recognizes and is reflective of my contributions to the band, including the reunions that started fourteen years ago. After the last tour I vowed to never again sign on to an unreasonable contract. I want a contract that shows some respect to me and my family, a contract that will honor all that I’ve brought to Black Sabbath since its beginning.
That’s the story so far.
Stay safe and stay strong.
I love every single one of you.
–Bill Ward
Christmas Rock 50 Preview
Posted on Dec.02, 2011, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
The Christmas show is on Saturday, December 10, 2011, and as always at Christmas, we’ll play songs which I hope will hit home and serve you with some spiritual contentment. We know, we truly know from personal experience, how tough Christmas can be.
We’ll play our “jewel in the crown” in the middle of the show. Yes, it’ll be Type O Negative’s “Red Water (Christmas Mourning).” We’ll play Pavarotti, some new metal, some classic metal and Annie Lennox.
Stay strong. Stay safe.
Next two Rock 50 Dates
Posted on Nov.24, 2011, under Rock 50
For those who have been asking, the next two Rock 50 dates have been announced. They are December 10th & January 7th, 2012. Please see the Rock 50 page for more information. Thanks!
November Rock 50 Preview
Posted on Nov.06, 2011, under Rock 50
H! Everyone,
On Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific, we’ll be playing our Armistice Show, as we do each year. I’ll try to bring you songs that will help to further heal; songs to meditate upon; and songs to cry over.
With the show, we honor the different branches of the US Armed Forces and her allies, past, present and future. For those who have died in war, we honor you all, friend or foe. For the countless wounded, and the casualties of war, we respect you; and for the helpless who suffered and died, we bow with deep regret.
Tune in if you can. I think it will be good show.