The Official Bill Ward Site The Official Bill Ward Site The Official Bill Ward Site site Update

Posted on Apr.06, 2005, under About the site

As you’ve already noticed by seeing this news entry, there’s been an update to Bill Ward’s website, and it’s this new news system. Folks who are familiar with my Black Sabbath website should be familiar with this, as it’s the same software I’m using over there. I’ve converted the news system to blog software, which has the benefit of making the news more flexible to you. You can now view old news entries by category, and best of all, you can now search through old news entries by using the search box.

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Rock 50 dates through October posted

Posted on Apr.06, 2005, under Rock 50

The latest dates for Bill’s monthly radio show have been posted to the Rock 50 page on the website. The newly posted dates cover from May through October of 2005.

This is Bill’s last live show for a while, as he is scheduled to depart to Europe on April 20th. While Bill is away, the summer shows on Rock 50 ­ May, June, July, August and September ­ will all be pre-recorded with plenty of hardcore metal, classic metal, hard rock and blues, and surprises. The July show will be a “Best of” show, playing Bill’s all-time favorite rock & hardcore songs.

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Bill’s on the road with Sabbath again

Posted on Mar.29, 2005, under Black Sabbath

Sabbath will be touring during the spring and summer, and Bill Ward will be back out on the road again playing the drums for Black Sabbath. A list of tourdates is now available for both the European tour, and the US Ozzfest tour. They are:

Black Sabbath European Dates:

Jun 09 Dortmund, Germany
Jun 11 Derbyshire, UK
Jun 14 Leipzig, Germany
Jun 16 Munich, Germany
Jun 18 Nijmegen, Netherlands
Jun 20 Vienna, Austria
Jun 23 Sofia, Bulgaria
Jun 25 Athens, Greece
Jun 29 Prague, Czech Republic
July 1 Roskilde, Denmark
July 3 Stockholm, Sweden
July 5 Helsinki, Finland
July 7 Oslo, Norway
July 9 Bergen, Norway

Ozzfest 2005 Dates:

Jul 15 Boston, MA
Jul 17 Hartford, CT
Jul 19 Camden, NJ
Jul 21 Buffalo, NY
Jul 23 Pittsburgh, PA
Jul 24 Washington, DC
Jul 26 New York, NY
Jul 30 Chicago, IL
Aug 02 Columbus, OH
Aug 04 Detroit, MI
Aug 07 Minneapolis, MN
Aug 11 Seattle, WA
Aug 13 Sancisco, CA
Aug 14 Sacramento, CA
Aug 16 Salt Lake City, UT
Aug 18 Phoenix, AZ
Aug 20 Los Angeles, CA
Aug 23 Albuquerque, NM
Aug 25 Dallas, TX
Aug 27 Houston, TX
Aug 28 San Antonio, TX
Aug 31 Nashville, TN
Sep 02 Charlotte, NC
Sep 04 West Palm Beach, FL

For further information and for tickets, please visit

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Rock 50 Summer Update

Posted on Mar.17, 2005, under Rock 50

The Saturday April 2nd radio show Rock 50 featuring Bill Ward and host Mike Stark, will feature American Head Charge and more Sabbath material to celebrate their 35th Anniversary in the U.S.A. Also, Bill¹s playing his favorites Type O Negative, Manson, Mnemic, Priest and Soilwork, and answering your e-mail.

This is Bill’s last live show for a while, as he is scheduled to depart to Europe on April 20th. While Bill is away, the summer shows on Rock 50 ­ May, June, July, August and September ­ will all be pre-recorded with plenty of hardcore metal, classic metal, hard rock and blues, and surprises. The July show will be a “Best of” show, playing Bill’s all-time favorite rock & hardcore songs. If you haven¹t heard the show, check it out on Saturday, April 2nd, 11:00 AM ­ 1:00 PM Pacific Time at The summer show dates will be announced soon — keep checking for all the latest details.

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March 12th Rock 50 Show Details

Posted on Mar.09, 2005, under Rock 50

Traffic’s drummer, Jim Capaldi is remembered and highlighted on the next “Rock 50” show, March 12th. Bill will play a special segment of Jim’s work with Traffic and two tracks from the 40,000 Headmen Tour of 1998.

Also, while it’s short notice (blame the webmaster for being sick for the last week and a half), if you have any questions for Bill for Rock 50 show, email them to Bill will answer some of them on the air!

Bill has a few words to add about Jim; check it out:


For those who don’t know, Jim Capaldi, songwriter, drummer/percussionist and vocalist extraordinaire, died recently on January 28th at a London clinic from stomach cancer.

Jim Capaldi, probably best known for his creative work with Traffic, was for me, an inspiration. As a teenager, I would sit next to the stage at Birmingham’s all nighters and study Jim’s technique. At that time, Jim played with a Worcestershire-based band called Deep Feeling, which also included Luther Grosvenor, later of Spooky Tooth, and Chris Wood, later of Traffic. Jim was a unique player, and back then at the all nighters he had a heart of many talents.

I got to know Jim, and he gave me a most precious gift. A gift that as a teenage drummer, I probably needed more than anything else. The gift was validation. He validated my playing. At that time, this meant a lot to me. During the heady days of the all nighters, Dave Mason would visit, and in what seemed no time at all, Traffic with Steve Winwood, was born. Traffic’s journey is rock history now.

I’ve admired Jim’s work over the years and up until today. Jim Capaldi was a giant in music. I believe he took musical risks that are so important to do. He knew how to play in a band, and that requires in part, listening techniques and selflessness. His rhythms were always cutting-edge, and his songwriting was powerful.

I thank you, Jim, and pay my respects to you. I will never forget what you gave me and how much you’ve brought to music.

On Saturday, March 12th, we’ll play some songs Jim wrote and recorded as a tribute to the man, legendary and very important to rock’s history.

Thanks, Jim.

–Bill Ward

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What is your favourite Black Sabbath Song?

Posted on Mar.08, 2005, under Rock 50

2005 marks the 35th anniversary of the release of Black Sabbath’s first two albums. To this, Bill wants to know what your favorite Black Sabbath song is. Please email it to him at – the votes will be tallied and will be divulged in a future Rock 50 show.

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Bill wants your questions

Posted on Jan.28, 2005, under Rock 50

As regular Bill Ward site visitors know, Bill has been doing a monthly radio programme over the Internet. Well, with 2005 being the 35th anniversary of Black Sabbath’s first album release, Bill wants to do something special with his programme.

To this, he wants to collect your questions via email and will read and answer some of them on his show. So, if you have a question for Bill Ward, please email it to the following address: Just make sure the question is about Black Sabbath. 🙂

Then make sure to listen in to the February 5th edition of “Rock 50” and see if Bill reads your question on the air!

Bill will stop taking emails on Thursday Feb 3rd at 4PM EST, so get your questions in!

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Bill’s Rock 50 reruns

Posted on Jan.17, 2005, under Rock 50

For awhile now, Bill Ward has been doing a monthly radio program out of WPMD (a college radio station at Cerritos College in California). This morning comes word that Bill Ward’s previous programs will be rerun in a special programming block.’s “alternative stream” presents a Bill Ward Marathon. Every “Rock 50” show that the Black Sabbath drummer has done on WPMD over the last three years will be played, in order and repeated, from February 1st through the 8th.

From February 8th through the 15th, the “alternative stream” will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the demise of the LA heavy metal legend — Pure Rock 105.5 KNAC-FM. The celebration will include full shows, special programs, special guests and historical tidbits from the final days leading up to the end on February 15, 1995, when KNAC-FM left the air. On February 15th the final 8 hours will play in the same time slot that closed out the station in 1995 — from 6am to 2pm. Special guests in those final hours include Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield of Metallica, along with air personalities from the entire history of “Pure Rock” 105.5 KNAC-FM.

For more information on Bill’s appearances on Rock 50, visit the “Rock 50 page“.

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Bill Ward’s Year in Review

Posted on Dec.31, 2004, under Bill Ward


Well Ho, Ho, Ho came and went. I’m still trying to figure out who I want to send Christmas cards to. I’ve been trying to get myself to sit down and put pen to paper these past couple of weeks now to do a Year in Review.

It’s raining tonight, and the surf is high. We’re in the second night of a winter storm passing over Southern CA, U.S.A. Living on the beach, we’ve received notice of possible mild to moderate flooding. I put sandbags out earlier, dropped them against the front door, we ought to be OK.

My wife and I are supposed to be in TX tonight getting our daughter, and coming back home to LA. At about 5AM this morning, we made a decision to call off the TX trip until Sat., Jan 1st.

This Christmas has been really quiet, no kids this Christmas. I actually got to sleep in!! On Christmas Day, that was pretty good.

In thinking about the year, I’m grateful to be sober, and still alive. On Jan 2nd or 3rd 21 years ago, I was at the end of my life, as I understood it, I didn’t get to the end of my life overnight, I killed myself slowly, little by little. I never want what I had drinking, back again.

I’ve tried to be a human doing this year, and I’ve done my best to give when and where I could.

My personal life began to bloom again in ’04 with my wife and I and my daughter, Em, all putting in an incredible amount of hard work to better overcome the hurdles and impasses. My two boys, Nigel in TX, and Aeron in England, are doing great. Aeron, my oldest boy is making incredible music. My younger son, Nigel is participating in life. I feel most fortunate in knowing that both men live healthy lifestyles, not from my doing, it’s just working out that way. I have little or nothing to feel miserable about when I compare my kids to how I was when I was their ages.

I regret not finishing ‘Beyond Aston,’ and having it released in ’04. Everyone here who’s behind the project, all want to see the end result. I’ve had a tough time hanging with the project, myself. It’s been a long time in the making. I’ve written a lot of new stuff this year, in between ‘Beyond Aston’ tracks. Hopefully, this work is going to find a good home that can distribute it. We are shopping with one record company at this time.

The ‘Straws’ project has turned out pretty good. I was hoping to earn a lot of money for the various charities. We slashed the asking price, we’ve definitely raised money, and I thank all of you who have supported ‘Straws.’ The money will get to the proper people. I feel good that we did the project. We had some nice letters back from one or two actors and statesmen/stateswomen, and of course we got great feedback from you, the folks who bought it. Ozzy loves the song, raved about it, that helped a lot.

If there are any ‘Straws’ CDs left for sale, and you haven’t gotten one – Buy One! No, do as you will, I’m just jiving your ass.

Ozzfest, I had a good time. Tony I. and yours truly went out walking as often as possible. We had great conversations and great walks. He’s the best, and I’m honoured that I get to play drums with him. We’ve been together since we were nearly 16 years old. We’re both 56 now. We had a lot to talk about, especially the fact that it’s Sabbath’s 35th Anniversary in ’05. We’ ve been coming stateside for 35 years, in ’05. Of course at this time amidst the rumors gathering in clumps, and scattering across the airwaves of a new Sabbath album, I shall say nothing, but I do hope for a great time with Sabbath in ’05, if it can happen.

On my radio show, ”Rock 50,’ at, we’ll be doing a special 35th Anniversary portion for the entire 12 months of ’05. First show is January 15th, 11:00 AM ‘ 1:00 PM Pacific Time at Check it out.

Back to Ozzfest, so we got rained on, and I was sorry we didn’t make West Palm Beach. The summer storms across America are most formidable, and this year’s Ozzfest had some brilliant storms. I call it God’s effects or God’s lending a hand to the stage show. Mind you, Priest got plenty of thunder and lightning on their shows, too. I had a great summer with Ozzfest. I loved playing, and it’s a pleasure, it’s a treat, to play with Tony and Geezer. They’re just such great players. It’s just incredible how things are turning out with the band. I thought Ozzy was absolutely brilliant coming from where he was mentally and physically. He overcame, he constantly improved, and he performed with a level of personal strength and conviction that must be recognized and applauded.

When he fell sick, we had a very difficult situation to deal with, and before going any further, I want to salute every single audience member at the now infamous Camden, NJ gig. I love playing Camden, and my heart went out to that audience. Rob Halford deserves a medal for coming in like he did. Rob was great. There is no doubt. I think that night everybody ‘ Tony, Geezer, Rob and myself worked our nuts off. We were very sorry that the Camden audience was disappointed, and at such a late hour in that day. We poured it out, and now I think there’s a live bootleg somewhere, of that show.

Ozzfest, with so many great bands. Slipknot, I think they made the best album of ’04. They need to be honoured. I think the guys are up for a Grammy. Outside of that, I think they deserve Best Album of ’04. Slayer, always brilliant, a great live band. Dimmu Borgir, outstanding band. Lacuna Coil, great people, great band. Judas Priest, what can you say, absolutely fucking great. I want to compliment all the drummers who played Ozzfest this year. The bar is lifted, and a new history of drumming is being born. There are many great drummers who’ve been carving new ideas and techniques for a while now. At Ozzfest this year, I thought we saw a pinnacle of just plain great drummers. I met most of them, some I’ve known for a while. Drumming in ’04 needs much applause. The advancements are nothing short of incredible and beyond.

We say goodbye to many this year. Most notably, and because of the recent tragedy, is Dimebag from the great band Damageplan and of course Pantera. Among others, we also say goodbye to Ray Charles, British radio pioneer John Peel, and on a personal note, Rigger Dan from the Ozzfest crew.

Going back for a moment to Mr. Peel, I think it’s valid to raise a speculative question. Had it not been for John Peel, I question whether Sabbath’s music would have ever reached the airwaves at a national media level in the U.K. in 1969. Pondering that thought for a moment, it’s scary to realize that without airplay, Sabbath’s demise could have come in ’69. Scary thought, leaving hard rock/heavy metal in the balance.

Bush is still President, and music will be as it has always been, powerful and comforting, enlightening and energizing in times of despair or hopelessness, or in times of happiness and strength. We’re still at war, and while young men and women continue to die and receive injury, I’ll do all I can to participate in helping organizations who really help those in harm’s way. I’ll continue, along with my peers and as many musicians that come across my path, to uphold life for all beings and continue to encourage peace. And yes, I support war because sometimes war is inevitable. I’m not anti-war, but at the same time, I hate war, and I hate that people are suffering and dying because of it.

So we go into ’05 at war, and in the shadow of a tsunami that killed thousands and thousands. Old institutions are dying and youth deserves more credibility. Not enough people are saying ‘objectification’ is a crime against mankind. We have really good medicines now for people like me with heart diseases. I hope someone will stand up for old buildings in the U.S.A. and pass a law to stop knocking them down. Again, Bob Dylan’s lyrics from ‘The Times They Are A-Changin” wreak with intelligent insight and form pillars as strong as time itself. The song’s great, play it.

So what time is it? It’s Midnight, Dec. 28th, I just ended writing this piece, the wind is howling and the seka palm and palms period are bowing 45 degrees. The waves are pounding onto the shore and rattling this house’s very foundation.

Happy New Year, Everyone. There’s much to look forward to, and yeah, even if your life is ending or you want to end your life, there’s still much to look forward to. Remember (I know we’ve heard it all before), but suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. So go out and kick ass.

Shit, there’s even really good solutions and ways out of despair and life threatening mental illness and addictions. Not bad, I guess, if that’s your bag in ’05. Again, Happy New Year.

Bill Ward

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Bill adopts a turkey

Posted on Dec.27, 2004, under Bill Ward

Bill adopted a turkey this holiday season, and wanted you all to meet him. Here’s Abraham..


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